Tuesday, February 4, 2014

PA - Armstrong, McKean and Clarion Counties

Armstrong Co.

Ward & Dickinson pg 24
12/10/38 $4500
William J. Short, Kittanning
one “used” 40 ft #151 and equipment

Kullman pg 77 & 438
5/10/39 $8500
John F. Rothwell, res 486 E. High, Kittanning
one dining car #170

Clarion Co.  (1925-1935 book is missing)

Lee Dickinson pg 97
1/18/36 $3500
Leslie & Mernie Cross
everything listed, fire extinguisher, clock etc.
diner #56, came from Anderson, IN

Cross #559
10/23/36 $5000
Dr. Altom S. Giles & Elizabeth Giles
known as the regular 30 foot model
satis 10/20/37

McKean County

Ward & Dickinson v1 p 271 #813
3/28/27 $4800
Joseph Fisher, Turtle Creek(Pittsburgh area)
diner #78. came from Toledo, Ohio and went to Turtle Creek(Pittsburgh suburb), PA

Ward & Dickinson v2 p 11 #1541
4/17/28 $3300
Joseph C. & Mary Wasmund
diner #18  diner went to Johnsonburg, Pa next.  Kane seemed to get another diner later on, but I know nothing about this.

Ward & Dickinson v2 p130 #2018
10/26/28 $5000
Sylvester Falk & Leland R. Hansen, Mt. Jewett
diner #3 came from Jamestown, NY and then went to Niantic, CT

Ward & Dickinson v3 p 431 #5512
4/3/31 $8450
Margaret Moore, Bradford
diner #236 

Ward & Dickinson v4 M12 38148
5/13/35 $3790
Margaret Moore, Bradford
diner #210 41'6” w/ kitchen   had to be a used diner.

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